Saturday, February 21, 2009

Who Should Fix My Fracture? (Part 1 of 2)

There are many doctors who perform vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. They have different levels of experience in dealing with vertebral compression fractures (VCF). There are two areas where the degree of experience is important: training and ongoing experience.


Most of the doctors who perform vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty learned how to do these procedures at a weekend course. That is, they went to a course, usually sponsored by a device company, where they attended some classes, then did the procedure on cadavers.

Others have had more extensive training, such as a fellowship. For me, I did a fellowship where treated over 100 live patients with these procedures.

In my next post, we'll talk about other factors in selecting a doctor for fixing fractures, including ongoing experience. I'll also include a list of questions to ask your doctor to help see if they are the right doctor for you.

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